Citations 3473
h-index 14
i10-index 17
i. InduBarwal, Rahul Kumar, Tanuj Dada and SubhashC. Yadav*: Effect of Ultra-Small Chitosan Nanoparticles Doped withBrimonidine on the Ultra-Structure of the Trabecular Meshwork of GlaucomaPatients. Microscopy and Microanalysis(2019), doi: 10.1017/S1431927619000448
IF: 2.14, Citation: 0 ii. Indu Barwal, Rajiv Kumar, Suneel Kateriya,Amit Dinda, Subhash C. Yadav*:Targeted delivery system for cancer cells consist of multiple ligandsconjugated genetically modified CCMV capsid on doxorubicin GNPs complex. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 37096
IF: 4.122, Citation:9 iii. M Tiwary, N Agarwal, A Dinda, SubhashC. Yadav*: Overexpression andpurification of folded domain of prostate cancer related proteins MSMB and PSA,Molecular Biology Reports, 2016 May;43(5):349-58.
IF: 1.889, Citation:2 iv. Shalini Gour, Vibha Kaushik, Vijay Kumar, Priyanka Bhat, Subhash C. Yadav and Jay K.Yadav Antimicrobial peptide (Cn-AMP2) from liquid endosperm of Cocos nuciferaforms amyloid-like fibrillar structure. Journalof Peptide Science Volume 22, Issue 4, pages 201–207, April 2016
IF: 1.969, Citation:12 v. Neetu Sharma, Vishwanath Sivalingam, Sonalika Maurya, ArchanaPrasad, Puneet Khandelwal, SubhashChandra Yadav, B.K. Patel New insights into in vitro amyloidogenicproperties of human serum albumin suggest considerations for therapeuticprecautions. FEBS Letters 589 (2015)1873-3468
IF:2.999, Citation: 7
vi. Dewei Jia, Indu Barwal, Shloka Thakur, Subhash C. Yadav*. Methodology to nanoencapsulate hepatoprotective componentsfrom Picrorhiza kurroa as food supplement, Food Biosciences, Volume9, 1 March 2015, Pages 28–35
IF:2.371, Citation: 11
vii. Indu Barwal, Subhash CYadav*. Rebaudioside A Loaded PLA-Nanoparticles as an Anti-diabetic Nanomedicine, Journalof Bionanosciences; Volume 8, Number 2, April 2014, pp. 137-140
IF:1.17, Citation: 13
viii. PavanSunkireddy, Shashi Nath Jha, Jagat R. Kanwar, Subhash C. Yadav*. Natural Antioxidant Biomolecules Promises Future NanomedicineBased Therapy for Cataract, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2013; 112: 554–562
IF:4.259, Citation: 47
ix. Ashok KumarYadav, S Singh, Subhash C Yadav,D Dhyani, Garima Bhardwaj, Anjali Sharma Bikram Singh. Induction and morpho-chemicalcharacterization of Stevia rebaudiana colchiploids, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2013;83 (2): 159–65.
IF: 0.170, Citation: 14
x. InduBarwal, Anil Sood, Mohit Sharma, Bikram Singh, Subhash C Yadav* Development of stevioside pluronic f-68 copolymer PLA-nanoparticlesas an antidiabetic nanomedicine, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2013; 10: 510-6.
IF: 4.259, Citation: 34
xi. InduBarwal, Peeyush Ranjan, Suneel Kateriya, Subhash C Yadav*; Cellularoxido-reductive proteins of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii control the biosynthesisof silver nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2011, 9:56 doi:10.1186/1477-3155-9-56
IF: 4.946, Citation: 61
xii. Subhash C Yadav*, Sudesh K Yadav, Anil Sood, Mohit Sharma, Bikram Singh. Development of Antidiabetic Nanomedicine from Stevioside, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2011, Feb 7;(1):54-55
IF: 4.521,Citation: 4
xiii. Subhash C Yadav*, Kumari A, Yadav R. Development of peptide and proteinnanotherapeutics by nanoencapsulation and nanobioconjugation. Peptides. 2011 Jan;32(1):173-87.
IF:2.778, Citation: 102
xiv. Avnesh Kumari, Sudesh Kumar Yadav, YogeshB. Pakade, Vineet Kumar, Bikram Singh, Abha Chaudhary, and Subhash C Yadav*. Nanoencapsulationand characterization of Albizia chinensis isolated antioxidant quercitrin onPLA nanoparticles,
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2011 Jan1;82(1):224-32
IF:4.259, Citation: 96
xv. SubhashC Yadav*, NK Prasanna Kumari, M V Jagannadham. Deglycosylated milinunfolds via inactive monomeric intermediates. European Journal of Biophysics 2010 Nov;39(12):1581-8.
IF: 1.472,Citation: 2
xvi. Avnesh Kumari, Yogesh B. Pakade, BikramSingh, Sudesh Kumar Yadav and SubhashC Yadav*. Development of biodegradable nanoparticles for delivery of quercetin, Colloidsand Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010, 80,184-192
IF: 4.259,Citation: 242
xvii. SubhashC Yadav*, Jagannadham MV, Suman Kundu. Equilibrium unfolding of kineticallystable protein milin: Presence of active dimeric intermediates and sequentialunraveling of different layers. EuropeanJournal of Biophysics 2010 Sep;39(10):1385-96
IF: 1.472,Citation: 06
xviii. Avnesh Kumari, Sudesh Kumar Yadav, Subhash C Yadav*- Biodegradablepolymeric nanoparticles based drug delivery systems. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2010) 75, 1-18
IF: 4.259, Citation: 2445(Most Cited paper of the Journal)
xix. VineetKumar, Subhash C Yadav, Sudesh Kumar Yadav*, Syzygium cumini leaf and seed extract mediated biosynthesis of silvernanoparticles and their characterization. J. Chem. Techonol, Biotechnol 2010; 85: 1301–1309
IF: 3.135, Citation: 183
xx. Subhash C Yadav *,Jagannadham MV. Complete conformational stability of kinetically stable dimericserine protease milin against pH, temperature, urea and proteolysis. European Journal of Biophysics (2009)38, 981-991
IF: 1.472,Citation: 15
xxi. Subhash C Yadav, MVJagannadham, Suman Kundu, Medicherla V. Jagannadham. A kinetically stable plantsubtilase with unique peptide mass fingerprints and dimerization properties.Biophysical Chemistry, (2009)139, 13-23
IF: 2.402,Citation: 17
xxii. SubhashC Yadav, Jagannadham MV. Physiological changes andmolluscicidal effects of crude latex and Milin on Biomphalaria glabrata. Chemosphere. 2008 Apr;71(7): 1295-300.
IF: 4.208,Citation: 17
xxiii. Pande M, Dubey VK, Subhash C Yadav,Jagannadham MV. A novel serine protease cryptolepain from Cryptolepis buchanani:purification and biochemical characterization. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Dec 27;54(26):10141-50.
IF: 3.154,Citation: 57
xxiv. SubhashC Yadav, Pande M, Jagannadham MV. Highly stable glycosylated serine proteasefrom the medicinal plant Euphorbia milii.Phytochemistry. 2006Jul;67(14):1414-26.
IF: 3.205, Citation:77
* Corresponding Author
(i) Aconjugate comprising gold nanoparticles and Venturia inaequalis specific probesand kits comprising the same for the detection of apple scab; Pramila, Ashish Bedi, Gopaljee Jha, SubhashC Yadav. Indian patent: IN Patent 1361/DEL/2015
(ii) Cancer Detection System: Mohini Tiwary,Madhu Bakka, Amit Dinda, Subhash C Yadav.Indian Patent (201611011074/2014)
(iii) Novel Chitosan basedNanoparticles/ultra-nanoparticles and Method for the preparation of same. Subhash C Yadav, Pavan Sunkireddy,Chandrakant Tripathi, Alok Adholeya; Indian Patent Granted (IN 3060/DEL/2013)
Selected Invited Talk
i. Effect ofultra-small chitosan nanoparticles doped brimonidine on ultrastructuretrabecular meshwork of glaucoma patient. InternationalConference on Microscopy & XXXIX Annual Meeting of EMSI, EMSI-2018,Bhubaneswar, India
ii. TargetedDelivery System for Cancer Cells Consist of Multiple Ligands ConjugatedGenetically Modified CCMV Capsid on Doxorubicin GNPs Complex. International Conferenceon Electron Microscopy & Allied Techniques &
XXXVIII Annual Meeting of EMSI, Chennai,India. 17 July 2017
iii. Chimericdrug delivery system from plant virus capsid protein (2016), NanoBio Interface,(International Symposium), at School of Biotechnology, JNU New Delhi, March18-20,
iv. Development of nanoparticulate based chimeric drugdelivery system using drug bio-conjugated plant virus capsids on biocompatiblenanoparticles (2015), XIII International Conference on Biomaterials, Colloids, andnanomedicine (ICBCN 2015), at Paris France dated 23-24 January 2015
v. Development of nanoparticulate based chimeric drugdelivery system using drug bio-conjugated plant virus capsids on biocompatiblenanoparticles†(2014),Australia India Strategic research funds conference on “Bio/Nanotechnologyapplications to improve plant productivity and ecosystems services.†at DeakinUniversity, Geelong Melbourne Australia on 11-14 march 2014.
vi. TherapeuticPotential Improvement of Natural Antioxidants through NanotechnologicalIntervention (2013) “Internationalconference on Nanomedicine†at New Delhi, India on 30-31 May 2013.
vii. Antidiabetic nanomedicine from Stevioside (2012)Deakin India Research Initiative International Symposium New Delhi (November28-30)
viii. Development of antidiabetic Nanomedicinefrom Stevioside (2011), International Symposium on The Safe Use ofNanomaterials at Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow (February1-3)