Sample Information
New Sample Analysis Application Form
EM Imaging User: Select type of user, accordingly:
1. Self: User Faculty
2. Student: If Student (PhD or JRF, )
3. Group Member (Any other member of the Lab)
Number of samples: Fill the number of Samples
Nature of samples: What is the nature of samples are
Type of sample preparation: Select Sample Preparation, these are of three types:
1. Block Preparation Required For Normal Imaging
3. Particulate Sample
4. Samples for SEM Imaging
5. Confocal Microscope
6. Zeta Partical Size Analyser
(Click on i for more information)
1. Block Preparation required- Samples that need fixation, dehydration, infiltration, and embedding which can be imaged after ultrathin sectioning.
2. Particulate Sample- The sample that can be used directly on the grids with or without negative staining such as nanoparticles etc.
3. Samples for SEM Imaging- These samples would be imaged on scanning electron microscope after sample preparation by CPD and Sputter coating.
Sample processing by: Select Sample processing, these are of two types:
1. SAIF (AIIMS) New Delhi
2. Self (Select if you are coming with prepared sample)
Sample dispatch mode: Select dispatch mode:
· By Hand
· By Courier
· By Post
Sample dispatch date: Provide the date
Current work is part of: Select work part:
· Ph.D Thesis
· Master Thesis
· MD Thesis
· Other
· Project
Sample Processing Charges: Fill it after calculation using Fee Calculator
Click on i– Please Calculate Your charges From Fee Calculator.
Tentative Imaging charges: Fill it after calculation using Fee Calculator
Click on i for details
Calculate the Imaging fees as-
Up to four samples per slot (one hour) for biological material in TEM,
Up to 5 samples per slot (one hour) for particulate material (nanoparticles),
Up to 4 samples per slot (one hour) for SEM Imaging.
Total amount paid:
Click on i- Sample processing charge plus, imaging charges.
Mode of Payment: Select Mode of Payment:
1. Online Payment:- Bank Name and Number require
2. Not Applicable
Cash and 'demand draft' payment options are discontinued.
Expected date of Imaging: Minimum working days after sample received at SAIF New Delhi.
For TEM samples (if block preparation is required) - 30 days.
For particulate samples- 7days.
For SEM imaging- 15 days.