Registration and Booking
Online Booking and Use of Electron Microscopy Facility (SAIF AIIMS) New Delhi
Step 1: For Online Registration to EM facility (SAIF AIIMS) New Delhi
You can register by filling the online registration form by clicking the “New User Registration†under the “Login for Online booking†on the SAIF AIIMS web page.
Step 2: Approval of your Registration request by In-charge EM facility (SAIF) New Delhi
You will receive a password in the confirmatory e-mail after the validation of your request by In-charge SAIF AIIMS New Delhi.
Your email ID given in registration form would be your login ID at SAIF AIIMS. You are requested to immediately change the passwords by clicking “Change Passwords†in your user dashboard.
You can change your password after login into SAIF AIIMS by clicking Change Password from your user dashboard or directly from the home page.
Step 3: Application for new sample submission
You can submit your sample details online by filling the form under New Sample Application.
Kindly print the submitted form by clicking 'Print/Upload Application Form' button on your dashboard.
Upload scanned copy (.pdf format) of a duly signed form with seal by clicking Upload button.
Step 4: Submission of samples to (SAIF AIIMS) New Delhi
You can submit the samples by hand or by postal/courier.
Your application JOB ID will be given after receiving your samples.
Step 5: Final steps
You will be contacted when your samples are ready for viewing/analysis.
AIIMS and Delhi-NCR users: Please contact our office at least one working day before your appointment for TEM/SEM analysis.
Out-station users: Please contact our facility before making your travel plan.
Publications and Feedback
You are requested to kindly submit your publication details generated out of SAIF work by clicking Submit Publication option from your dashboard. You are requested to send your Feedback, which would help us to improve our services.
Other important information
Institute Category:
Category I | Govt. Colleges & Universities |
Category II | National Institutes supported by Govt. agencies viz. CSIR, ICAR, DST, DBT, NIHFW etc. and Non-Govt. Educational Institutes and Universities |
Category III | Large and Small Scale Industries, business firms, Pvt. Hospital and nursing homes |
Slot timings:
Slot I: | 10.00 am to 11.00 am |
Slot II: | 11.00 am to 12.00 pm |
Slot III: | 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm |
Slot IV: | 2.30 pm to 3.00 pm |
Slot V: | 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm |
Slot VI: | 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm |
Contact details:
Phone: +91-11-26593568
Dr. Tapas C. Nag-
Dr. Subhash C Yadav-
Dr. Prabhakar Singh-